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    Peace to you from Gethsemane.


    In our monthly appointment, the last time we shared this light: "Here the Lord did not 'suffer' the will of the Father, but chose it, made it his... The Son of Man became one with the will of the Father" (Lk 22:42). We can affirm with certainty that for Jesus Christ, fulfilling the Father’s will is comparable to the "G-key" that is placed at the beginning of the score to give the right intonation to the song that follows. In fact, throughout the Gospel the Lord speaks of this vocation, I would say, universal: to do the will of God! I call attention to THIS garden: the context in which the Lord CHOOSES the will of the Father has a unique tonality, the redemptive act is being carried out, it is the Son of the living God who 'writes' in history with characters of an indelible ink, his Divine Blood. If this divine action, which happened for each of us, through the "Yes" of the Son of God, is of capital importance, in an equivalent way is also the request that the Lord makes to the disciples of yesterday and today: "Stay here with me! (...) Watch and pray" (Mt 26,38.41). This simple evaluation helps us to strengthen and to be more vigilant to the request of Jesus, who in this moment of great trial for humanity desires to have beside him people living as he lived: to carry out the Father’s will.

    Let us become we too, sons in the Son, angels dressed in flesh, who console the Lord with their prayerful presence. It is not enough to say that the times of trial are difficult and that our society is in great confusion...

    Let us pray with intensity, in the awareness that only in this way we can console and help the Lord to redeem the world. May St. Francis of Assisi, messenger of peace, intercede for us.


    Be blessed.

    From the Garden of the Lord

    Hora Sancta

    We are the sons of St. Francis, and we are THE custodians, according to the will of God, of one of the places that Jesus loved the most: the garden called GETHSEMANE. This is a unique place in the world. It is the place where the Lord manifested his Yes forever by being ready to enter where nobody else had ever entered, where he plunged into darkness, in the final battle against death, in which humanity has always ended up being a loser.

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