''Stay'' with the Lord
“There is no praise for having been to Jerusalem, but for having lived well in Jerusalem”
“Non Hierosolymis fuisse, sed Hierosolymis bene vixisse laudandum est” (Epistle 58.3.4, St Jerome)
Our suggested mode of life is very simple. We can use a metaphor to describe it: like a mother needing good food for herself to eat so that her infant gets nutritious milk, we, being children of God, are nourished by His Word so that, in our turn, we can nourish all those whom the Lord will bring for an encounter with Himself and us. We are convinced that this holy Place is, by Jesus’ will, devoted to prayer and consecrated to an encounter with Him. The Gospel says that in this Garden Jesus asked his disciples to “remain here, and stay awake with me…and pray” (Mt 26,38.41).
That is exactly what this Place is: in the whole town of Jerusalem it is the most suitable Place to stay with the Lord, to become one of his disciples in regard to silence, meditation, to discover His will for us, to say our “YES” to Him and acknowledge His Easter presence in history and in our small and yet important life experience. Here as elsewhere, the Gospel, that is Christ, has visited us walking by our side on the road of our daily life, has talked to us, has made our hearts burn within, although we have not recognized Him, even then.
Our proposal aims at suggesting a simple mode of life, in which we share what the divine mercy has done for us – free gift and free initiative because in God everything is mercy. We achieve all this through a daily listening to the Word of God (Lectio Divina) and Adoration. In addition, based on each member’s capability and as far as it is possible, we like sharing labour and maintenance to the Garden, which also contributes to a physical and psychological well-being of our guests.