In these days we are encouraged by the sacred liturgy to welcome the Mystery of the Lord's Wedding through the Sunday solemnities that help us to discover how much the Lord loves us! Such Nuptials are also told on the last Sunday, in which we celebrated the Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord. If we listen carefully (notice / contemplate / be aware) how much we already live in every Holy Mass, the supreme offering of Jesus (once and for all) is announced in the consecratory words: "This is my Body ... This is my Blood "(Mk 14,21-22). All this speaks of His way of "extending" the Wedding and of his infinite Love for us! He reaches us, comes to meet us: it is the Bread of the Angels that takes the taste appreciated by those who eat it! (see Sap 16, 20-21). But the Lord is not present only in this "sacred moment" of the Holy Mass. He invites us to contemplate, to become aware of his mysterious Presence that identifies itself also with the poor, the people, the persons in which, in the hiding of disfigured humanity, it is still He who is raised on the Cross (Cf. Jn 3:14; , 28; 12.32). The Lord identifies himself with his Church (assembly): "Saul, Saul, why did you persecute me?” (Acts 9,4). We too, in our troubled and so beloved story, can see where He is, the Lord lifted up ... and be able to say: "This is his Body ... his Blood". It is the innocent Lamb who asks for our trust and prayer... towards Him and for our near and far neighbor.
Hora Sancta
We are the sons of St. Francis, and we are THE custodians, according to the will of God, of one of the places that Jesus loved the most: the garden called GETHSEMANE. This is a unique place in the world. It is the place where the Lord manifested his Yes forever by being ready to enter where nobody else had ever entered, where he plunged into darkness, in the final battle against death, in which humanity has always ended up being a loser.