Some time ago Italian newspapers gave news of a fact that caused a stir and moved manypeople. It was about a newborn that had been abandoned, wrapped in a plastic bag and thrown into thegarbage can. One person, who heard the child's cry, picked him up and brought him urgently to thenearest hospital. The emergency doctors repeatedly tried to revive him by any means. Unfortunately, itwas useless: the newborn child gave no more signs of life, he was purple and inert, was dead.A nurse, perhaps driven by desperation and maternal instinct, between the tears of her silentcry, took him in her arms, and held him tightly to her chest. The unexpected happened: the child had ashudder, a shock ... He began to cry! A miracle! He was alive again!This event, a miracle of life, still manages to move me and for us, who live HERE inGethsemane, it makes us think of the Lord and his request that still echoes in this garden. In fact, theLord Jesus, HERE he makes explicit to stand next to the Father, HERE he shows himself suffering andneedy, HERE, he enters the struggle, he sweats blood (Lk 22,39-44). Perhaps you too, like me, Iimagine, think that it is He, HERE, who needs love, who is cold and who must be embraced... True? It can be ... without a doubt.I also propose another theological perspective: it seems to me that God the Father, in his planof salvation, from the mystery of the Incarnation to the Mystery of his Easter that we are preparing tocelebrate, and, now, in a living liturgy of collective history and personal, never ceases to embrace ourhumanity with immense love to bring us back to life. In this month let’s pray about this great mystery. Happy Easter, may it be in the Lord
Hora Sancta
We are the sons of St. Francis, and we are THE custodians, according to the will of God, of one of the places that Jesus loved the most: the garden called GETHSEMANE. This is a unique place in the world. It is the place where the Lord manifested his Yes forever by being ready to enter where nobody else had ever entered, where he plunged into darkness, in the final battle against death, in which humanity has always ended up being a loser.