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    Dear friends of Gethsemane, peace be with you! 
    This month I would like to meditate with you on the strength of weakness. It is clear that weakness in itself is not positive, but carefully observed in the light of faith, from a theological perspective, it presents a power, a force that emanates to other dimensions, and in an admirable way we remain amazed. The Lord succeeds from a situation that we consider negative, in which we perceive evil and suffering, and from it, He extracts a greater good! This is the mystery of the plan of Salvation that God manifested to us.In these days we are meditating on the "Servant songs of Isaiah”, that is, four songs that are inserted in the so-called deutero-Isaiah (Is cc 40-55). If you have the opportunity to read them in depth, they will be a timely preparation for the Paschal Mystery in which we are set out.This mystery is great… immense! and if I listen to myself, I notice how I also find it difficult to accept the way of God’s revelation in this “Servant” which enters into suffering. Evident for all of us is the Christological reference of these prophecies of Isaiah: they speak about the Passion of the Lord, they tell of Gethsemane, of the Man of Sorrows” (cfr. Is 53). This is the way God chose to enter our humanity and paradoxically manifests in it his way of reigning. The Lord Jesus Christ HERE, in this garden that has seen his Passion, reaches every man, every situation, and takes by the hand every person and from distance brings it back Home.Let us pray that the Lord will give us the strength to stay beside Him. May it also be accomplished in the Church and in us, as Saint Paul says: “Therefore I rejoice in the sufferings I bear for you and complete in my flesh what is missing from the sufferings of Christ, in favor of his Body which is the Church” (Col 1:24).
    Happy Lent!

    Hora Sancta

    We are the sons of St. Francis, and we are THE custodians, according to the will of God, of one of the places that Jesus loved the most: the garden called GETHSEMANE. This is a unique place in the world. It is the place where the Lord manifested his Yes forever by being ready to enter where nobody else had ever entered, where he plunged into darkness, in the final battle against death, in which humanity has always ended up being a loser.

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