P.O.B. 186 9100101, Gerusalemme (Israele)

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    These days we have prayed with more intensity with the words of Psalm 121: “And now our feet are standing within your gates O Jerusalem!” Prayer is and will remain our only real strength. Before strife and protests we really believe that without Jesus Christ man can do nothing (cfr John 15,5). However, we cannot think that all nations know the Lord and that, therefore, they must convert to Catholicism because Salvation comes through Jesus Christ and the Cross! Although this will happen… it won´t be because of our merits or those of the Church, but because God in his mysterious power is capable of making that every human conscience pass through the Paschal Mystery of Jesus (cfr Redemptoris Missio 10, Pope st. John Paul II).Let us pray and contemplate so that his divine will be fulfilled.

    Hora Sancta

    Somos os filhos de Francisco, cuidamos, por vontade de Deus, de um dos lugares mais queridos por Jesus: o jardim chamado GETSÊMANI. É um lugar único no mundo, o lugar onde o Senhor expressa o seu Sim para sempre, na disponibilidade a entrar onde ninguém nunca entrou, onde Jesus abisma-se nas trevas, cimenta-se na derradeira luta contra a morte, da qual, a humanidade, saiu sempre derrotada.

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