P.O.B. 186 9100101, Gerusalemme (Israele)

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    Dear friends of Gethsemane, peace be with you! 
    The gifts of the Lord are always many, despite the difficulties that the pandemic iscreating at an economic level and especially at a personal level, in the mind and psyche ofmany fragile people. But the Promise of the Lord does not fail, and this awareness shouldhelp us to have, more and more, a transcendent gaze that rises to Him, to live by Him and HisWord… of his Spirit! Last Sunday, the feast of Pentecost, from this holy place, looking at theUpper Room, we too invoked the gift of the Holy Spirit. We still sing the hymns of theliturgy while in these days Ordinary Time has begun. We seem to better understand the newexperience lived by the first Church (men and women like us!), spreading the Gospeleverywhere from Jerusalem.It is fascinating and important to draw attention to how the "extraordinary" (the RisenOne) entered the "ordinary" life of the first Christians! We must remember: it is so also forus! The strength of the Gospel is actuality, and this means that our daily life can be Gospel.The Lord himself HERE at Gethsemane entered this ‘ordinary’ place ("where he used togo…" Lk 22,39; "often he retired to that place…" Jn 18,2) to fulfill the will of the Father: to love! 
    May the Lord help us to live his Gospel with greater awareness.

    Hora Sancta

    Somos os filhos de Francisco, cuidamos, por vontade de Deus, de um dos lugares mais queridos por Jesus: o jardim chamado GETSÊMANI. É um lugar único no mundo, o lugar onde o Senhor expressa o seu Sim para sempre, na disponibilidade a entrar onde ninguém nunca entrou, onde Jesus abisma-se nas trevas, cimenta-se na derradeira luta contra a morte, da qual, a humanidade, saiu sempre derrotada.

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