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    Dear all, may the Lord grant you peace! 

    Within less than a month we will be living the birth of Our Saviour. We will go see, touch and kiss the Grotto of the Nativity. In this month’s prayer we ask you to join us in this intention and desire: give ‘heat’ to the Lord! It is Jesus himself who has revealed to some mystic: “I am cold!”.
    His statement leads us to contemplate and unite the need of the Child of Bethlehem with the drama of Jesus in Gethsemane. The ‘cold’ that Jesus talks about does not refer only to a physical cold but it refers in particular to the distance and the lack of love towards Him on the part of humanity. He needs our affection, he has ‘hunger and thirst’ for us and our closeness. The Lord is concrete, he speaks to us personally even today: “I need you… I’m cold… warm me with your love and presence!”.
    We are all well aware of how the world (the human being!) of our time needs to return to God with humility and recognize that without God cannot see any glimmer of Light… Let us give the “warmth of our heart” to the Lord, who is “abandoned in solitude”…Let us listen to his invitations; Jesus needs our participation in his design of Redemption and we have need of Him to be redeemed. 


    Hora Sancta

    Jesteśmy synami Św. Franciszka z Asyżu, kustoszami jednego z najbardziej umiłowanych miejsc Jezusa, Ogrodu zwanego GETSEMANI. To jedyne takie miejsce na świecie, miejsce w którym Pan wypowiada swoje TAK gotowy pójść tam, gdzie nikt nigdy jeszcze nie dotarł, zejść do otchłani, gdzie dokonuje się ostatnia walka ze śmiercią, w której człowiek zawsze przegrywał.

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