P.O.B. 186 9100101, Gerusalemme (Israele)

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    Each day we, who safeguard this Holy Place, have the great gift of being able to kiss the Rock that has "heard" this prayer of Jesus: "Abbà! Father! Everything is possible for you..."Nowadays, more than ever, in these our times confused by different powers and interests, we imagine even now Jesus showing his face HERE: our prayer and closeness … today He still loves us "until death"! For love he offers himself and suffers. We are with him without saying anything, expressing all our love, despite the fact that it is small and imperfect.HERE it takes place the action of God, who saves us. In his Passion, the Lord Jesus "comes to dwell" once forever in our poor humanity, so that no man can believe he is abandoned, betrayed, cheated, lost in the night of the "meaningless" and not loved. His name is יֵשׁוּעַ (Yeshu'a), which means "God saves!".Kiss THIS Rock with us, with emotion and recognition… because the Lord has "kissed" before our fragile humanity with the offering of his own life. "Lord, we need you!"

    Hora Sancta

    Jesteśmy synami Św. Franciszka z Asyżu, kustoszami jednego z najbardziej umiłowanych miejsc Jezusa, Ogrodu zwanego GETSEMANI. To jedyne takie miejsce na świecie, miejsce w którym Pan wypowiada swoje TAK gotowy pójść tam, gdzie nikt nigdy jeszcze nie dotarł, zejść do otchłani, gdzie dokonuje się ostatnia walka ze śmiercią, w której człowiek zawsze przegrywał.

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