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    “HERE” the Lord summons us

    This month we want to pray with you on a unique feature of the Holy Land. When you visit and pray in the holy places, we all have a particular feeling that leads us to think with a wonderful sweetness: "HERE we were born!". This is the uniqueness of the Holy Land, fifth Gospel, which is also expressed verbally in the liturgy by adding this adverb of place “HIC” (from Latin: “here”). It happens here at Gethsemane a very particular thing, it is Jesus himself who pronounces this “HIC”: “Sustinéte hic et vigiláte mecum” /(Mt 26, 38; cf Mk 14, 34). This “HIC” therefore is full of theological meaning, it reveals the mystery of the Incarnation of the Lord, until the mystery of His Passion, Death and Resurrection : 'How much you loved us, Lord!'.

     All of us, as saint Francis in Greccio, need to see and touch this love that “HERE” is not consumed. Here the Lord prayed to his Father; here he asked our prayer and closeness; here he entered into struggle; here he sweated his precious Blood; here he pronounced the “Yes” that redeems us; here he let himself be found; here he allowed the traitor to kiss him; here the Son of God is delivered for the man of all times. This love is the burning bush that is not consumed… is Christ, true God that despite dwelling in our humanity (true Man) does not consume it.

    In your prayer, in communion with us, close your eyes and come HERE to 'see' and 'touch' the Love that saves us!“

    Hora Sancta

    Jesteśmy synami Św. Franciszka z Asyżu, kustoszami jednego z najbardziej umiłowanych miejsc Jezusa, Ogrodu zwanego GETSEMANI. To jedyne takie miejsce na świecie, miejsce w którym Pan wypowiada swoje TAK gotowy pójść tam, gdzie nikt nigdy jeszcze nie dotarł, zejść do otchłani, gdzie dokonuje się ostatnia walka ze śmiercią, w której człowiek zawsze przegrywał.

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