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    The Christmas Message from fr. Francesco Patton, Custos of the Holy Land Dear friends, brothers and sisters,  this year the grotto of Bethlehem is empty, as are the streets and squares of the city. When Mary and Joseph came...

    We publish the Christmas Message of the Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in JerusalemChristmas 2023   "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be...

    We share the statement from the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, concerned about the evolution of the situation, in solidarity with the Patriarch H.E. Card. Pizzaballa and with the parishioners of the Holy Family in Gaza. https://www.lpj.org/posts/gaza-16th-december-2023.html

    Pokój Wam wszystkim z Ogrodu Pana!  Wchodzimy w tajemnicę Wcielenia, Pan przychodzi, aby nas zbawić, czyniąc się maleńkim! Bierze maluczkich za rękę i prowadzi ich do Domu Ojca! Co za wielka nadzieja! Czy to my...

    The Romitaggio of Gethsemane “A holy place dedicated exclusively to prayer” can be read on the plaque next to the gate that opens into the Romitaggio ofr Gethsemane, in Jerusalem. We are at the beginning of the ascent...

    “From one day to the next the shrines were empty, the pilgrims disappeared but the mission of the friars is not forgotten. We are now living our first mission: to be in the Holy Places, pray in the Holy Places and take care of the...

    Harvesting olives as we do every year, an action and opportunity that is repeated...again this year, despite the circumstances.An important and festive act held each year in the garden that witnessed Jesus' agony and great sorrow....

    The Basilica of Gethsemane  Spk 1 00.14 From light to dimness...like Christ at the moment of his decision to take the path of the cross. The same feeling Barluzzi also experiences during the construction of the striking Basilica...

    Najdrożsi, pokój Wam z Getsemani, Przeżywamy chwile wielkiego niepokoju w związku z zamętem, jaki wywołuje okrucieństwo wojny. Otworzyła się rana, którą trudno będzie zagoić. Brakuje słów i także te kruche zdania...

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, May the Lord give you peace! We are going through one of the most difficult and painful periods in our recent times and history. For over two weeks now, we have been inundated with images of horrors,...

    Hora Sancta

    Jesteśmy synami Św. Franciszka z Asyżu, kustoszami jednego z najbardziej umiłowanych miejsc Jezusa, Ogrodu zwanego GETSEMANI. To jedyne takie miejsce na świecie, miejsce w którym Pan wypowiada swoje TAK gotowy pójść tam, gdzie nikt nigdy jeszcze nie dotarł, zejść do otchłani, gdzie dokonuje się ostatnia walka ze śmiercią, w której człowiek zawsze przegrywał.

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