Dear brothers loved by the Lord, peace to you from the favourite place of Jesus.
As you can guess from the picture we are collecting olives in this garden. With amazement we live in a familiar atmosphere and welcome the soft heat of the sun in this autumn time. It is very nice to dirty your hands with the olives, smell the particular bouquet, intense and sweet, which is imprinted in the clothes used for the collection. Even more curious is the collection on the tree: you go in search of the most distant olives… in the desire that nothing will be lost. With a wise reading of our "doing" we discover how the Lord gathers us together, seeks us and want none of us to be lost! So in our lives, in our “ do-act-risk" usually think that we are the architects of the fruits of the collection but, in fact, we benefit from the gift of God that, quietly and with sweetness, shows us how He acts, does and risks for us! In our daily journey we contemplate this sweet and deep mystery of God. Let’s welcome and give thanks for the Presence that is communicated to us (Eucharist!)… Mystery that seems more beautiful to us when we tell it with a poem, a song or a silent smile of lovers.
Hora Sancta
Jesteśmy synami Św. Franciszka z Asyżu, kustoszami jednego z najbardziej umiłowanych miejsc Jezusa, Ogrodu zwanego GETSEMANI. To jedyne takie miejsce na świecie, miejsce w którym Pan wypowiada swoje TAK gotowy pójść tam, gdzie nikt nigdy jeszcze nie dotarł, zejść do otchłani, gdzie dokonuje się ostatnia walka ze śmiercią, w której człowiek zawsze przegrywał.